Schreiner's Iris Gardens, May 2023

It’s been a weird weather year here in Oregon. Winter dragged on to the end of April — dreary, drizzly, cool — and then May came roaring in with record heat and occasional (and rare for this region) thunderstorms. Farmers have had to struggle in this rollercoaster, flower farmers no exception. So when Elaine and I visited the Schreiner's Iris Gardens today, by Brooks, north of Salem, we were not sure what to expect. Would anything have bloomed yet? Would everything have bloomed already? It turned out to be more of the former than the latter, with the flowers around the garden mostly blooming, and the nearby fields mostly yet to awaken. Still, it was well worth a visit on a warm, sunny Monday. Schreiner's, if you don’t know, is an award-winning farm that ships irises all over world. They have custom hybrid varieties that you cannot find anywhere else. And if you are like me and love the smell of irises, this farm is a heavenly place to visit. Bring your nose, and be prepared to frolic!
See my Schreiner’s posts.

Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.