TravelMorgan Stone Grethermount araratTurkey, eastern Turkey, Come See Turkey 2014, tourism, leeches, cow, donkey, Bardaklı, portrait, travel
Bardaklı Village, Mount Ağrı

During my 2014 Come See Turkey adventure, we luckily stopped for a quick visit to the small village of Bardaklı at the base of Mount Ararat, or as they call it, Ağrı. The villagers are mostly farmers and cattle herders, but we did meet one interesting man whose job was selling leeches. That was a first for me.
The views were glorious (quite similar to my Oregon) and the people achingly sweet, though clearly they did not have great riches. The air was cool and damp; the land was green. Hard to imagine that just a short drive away sits Ishak Pasha Palace, where we headed next. As different as two places can be.
See all my Turkish posts.

Morgan Stone Grether
Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.