Treadwell Mine, Douglas, Alaska
On the edge of downtown Douglas, Alaska, in a lush forest with a serene, rocky beach, you can find the remains of the Treadwell gold mine. What once was a thriving hub of miners, horses, and donkeys, is now a lovely hiking trail in which you come across strange metal pipes and machine pieces, concrete walls, and glory holes...

Alaska: North End of Douglas Island
On June 29, 2016, during my trip through Alaska, we explored the northern end of Douglas Island, across from Juneau. The water and sky were matching shades of bright, light blue. The air was calm and smelled like seaweed (in the best possible way). We drove North Douglas Highway to the end stopping along the way at beaches and overlooks.

Alaska: Fourth of July "Olde Time" Firefighter Hose Races
As part of the annual Fourth of July festivities in the beautiful town of Douglas (next to Juneau, capital city of Alaska), the volunteer fire department challenges Juneau firefighters to what they call an "olde time" hose race. Teams roll out and connect groups of fire hoses as quickly as they can, in order to douse the opposite team before they douse you. This activity is repeated several times until everyone is happily exhausted. It's all in the name of fun, with a prime objective to also drench the onlookers on this warm summer day.