TravelMorgan Stone GretherJanuary 29, 2019pacific northwest, Pacific City, Cape Kiwanda, travel, Daniel Sloan, ocean, sunset, Oregon parks project Sunset at Cape Kiwanda, Oregon Walking along the multicolored sandstone cliffs above crashing waves never gets old.. TravelMorgan Stone GretherJanuary 29, 2019pacific northwest, Pacific City, Cape Kiwanda, travel, Daniel Sloan, ocean, sunset, Oregon parks project
TravelMorgan Stone GretherJanuary 29, 2019oregon, Oceanside, pacific northwest, ocean, oregon coast, Daniel Sloan, dog, sunset, travel, Oregon parks project Oceanside, Oregon Any trip to the Oregon coast should include a stop by the little village of Oceanside. Such beauty… TravelMorgan Stone GretherJanuary 29, 2019oregon, Oceanside, pacific northwest, ocean, oregon coast, Daniel Sloan, dog, sunset, travel, Oregon parks project
TravelMorgan Stone GretherNovember 19, 2018travel, oregon, pacific northwest, autumn, trees, Silverton, Oregon Garden, Daniel Sloan The Oregon Garden An 80-acre botanical garden in Silverton, Oregon… TravelMorgan Stone GretherNovember 19, 2018travel, oregon, pacific northwest, autumn, trees, Silverton, Oregon Garden, Daniel Sloan