Mount Saint Helens, Washington
On July 9, 2014, I hiked around Johnston Ridge to photograph the smoldering Mount Saint Helens in southwest Washington state.
Morgan Stone Grether
Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.
On July 9, 2014, I hiked around Johnston Ridge to photograph the smoldering Mount Saint Helens in southwest Washington state.
Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.
After our stop at Eunice Lake, we traveled onward to Sunrise, Washington, which is the highest spot in the park you can drive to. From its lodge, hiking trails spider off in all directions for easy hikes that all offer truly breathtaking views of Mount Rainier and its surrounding foothills. Cascade beauty! As we drove up to the site, a thick layer of clouds sat around the mountain, but as we started hiking the cloud cover quickly burned off.
In November 2014, I explored the area around Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, with my pal Ericka Turnbull.
This July I camped out at Bird Lake in the Yakama Nation, on the eastern foothills of Pahto - Mount Adams, Washington. This photoset is from the drive up to the camping site, through areas burnt in forest fires a couple of years ago.
This July I camped out at Bird Lake in the Yakama Nation, on the eastern foothills of Pahto - Mount Adams, Washington. This is the second photo set, featuring images from Mirror Lake and a hike up to Crooked Creek Falls.