OMHT Lake Project: Enid Lake, or Getting Lost Trying to Find It

In November 2015 I worked with Oregon's Mount Hood Territory (OMHT) to explore seven (and a half) lakes south of Mount Hood in 48 hours. This post is on that "half lake," as it were. It is on Enid Lake, a supposedly fun little spot just west Government Camp, Oregon... Or rather, this post would be about Enid, except I could not find it! I took a wrong turn or a couple of wrong turns on the Community Trail from town and hiked and hiked without ever coming to the lake. Ha! It happens. But I will return soon with better directions.
See all my posts from the lake project.
The trails out of Government Camp are lovely and I certainly did not feel I was wasting my time (or unsafe) in not finding Enid, which was in fact the "optional" lake in my list of destinations from the OMHT team. So I suppose I just kept it optional, right? Anyway, the trails snake from the heart of the little downtown area westward through a thick Douglas fir forest. The early morning air was calm and the light was slicing through the branches making you happy to be awake and seeing it.
I shot with a Canon 6D with an 85 1.2 lens. None of the images is edited,

Nice person in Portland, Oregon, and beyond.